The rules of play are unchanged for the tournament. However, there are some items to be implemented to ensure that the games are being kept on schedule and that the spirit of the game is being maintained per ASA guidelines.
The last inning of a game will allow unlimited runs. This allows a team that is down by more than 6 runs to have a reason to continue to play the game. The UMPIRES have final say over when the last inning will occur (within the already present time constraints). For example: at 71 minutes a new inning begins, the umpire shall declare that this is the last inning as there is no way that both teams would make 3 outs within the 4 minutes remaining ahead of the existing 75 minute "no new inning" window. However, if the game is tied past that time, the umpire may declare a "new" last inning in keeping with the existing rule covering tie games past 75 minutes.
If the game is still tied at 90 minutes the score shall revert to the score of the last non-tied inning. This ensures that an equitable number of at bats has been achieved. If there is no inning in which a team held the lead at the completion of an inning, we will use the international tie-breaker in order to determine a winner.
If a team is short on players (below the 10 needed to play the field), players may be called up from the next lower division within the following constraints:
Players must be placed at the end of the existing batting order
Players must not be started in place of an existing rostered player.
Players must not play more than any existing rostered player.
Pitchers may only be changed a maximum of once per inning unless due to inury. This is in keeping with the prevention of intentionally stalling a game as per ASA guidelines. As an umpire can not know a coach's intent, this guideline will serve as a deterrent. Any other tactic deemed to be stallling by the umpires will result in FORFEITURE of the game.